So, what is an Ypotryll... and what is it doing flying??
And what does it have to do with pirate.. err Privateer ships??
And why
is it flying? Well, that's a bit more complicated.
You see,
in the far lower reaches of the Knowne Worlde is a very strange place known
as Lochac.. and even further towards the edge of the world is the high
seas in the southern part of the land known as "Stormhold".
And on these
seas plies a pirate (err.. privateer.. that being the politically correct
word for pirates who have a 'deal' going with the local populous).
And this
privateer is Hanbal Reis al Barbary, known and feared universally for his
two-hander of doom and his teeth of peril. And he likes Ypotrylls. See?
Oh, and why are they flying? Well Capt'n Hanbal says they are..
The Flying
Ypotryll is a household within the Barony of Stormhold, which is Melbourne,
Australia for those who didn't know. It is all part of the Society for
Creative Anachronism (SCA), a medieval recreation society. See the link
to SCA Lochac for more information.