The Flying Ypotryll at play

Below you'll see some scurvy.. Hmm.. umm... below are some of the beauteous people that make up the crew of the Flying Ypotryll...

(Capt'n Hanbal, you can put down the sharp, pointy, hurty things now..)

Conan and Hanbal looking very pouty and very middle eastern..

Hanbal and Cian fencing
Hanbal and Cian fencing at Border's Crossing. Well, this is actually the calibration part of the exercise, but it's still fencing nonetheless.. or rapier if you prefer to be more technical...

Senena is trying to look innoce *giggle* *guffaw*..
oooh, sorry, Senena is trying to look innocen *giggle* *guffaw*..
Ok, here's Senena at William Marshall a few years ago, not quite succeeding in looking innocent. :)

Conan, Mungo and Hanbal looking rather speccy at Festival 2000.
By the way, this is Ypotryll's secret weapon (well I figured that you've read this far, you can't be far off joining us..).. intimidation.. works for me :)

Senena showing off her flexibility.. those hips.. oooh, those hips :)

Baron Rudolf, Ute, Hanbal and Conan looking marvellously exotic at Rowany Festival 2000.

Hanbal and Senena - camels
The indisputably dodgy Hanbal and Senena in disguise as middle easterners and riding upon the most fearsome spitting beasts as can be imagined..

PS. they didn't think much of the tinkling of coins.. (obviously not good booty beasts for pira.. err privateers)

The incomparable Liadan, looking lovely in her 'this old thing?' tunic at Rowany Festival 2001..

Ute festival
Ute, showing us all how to juggle at Rowany Festival 2000.

Senena shows off her fantastic shield!

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