Upcoming events: Das Boat Tourney 2 & The Tournament of the Sands...


Thats right.  The boat will be back.  Bigger & better than ever.  Sometime in 2003 we expect that the Flying Ypotryll will beach some captured ship, and promptly hold a tournement on it (Heavy & Rapier), as well as probably Melee's & a mini-war (skirmish) if possible.  More info to follow soon.... Unfortunately, the Tournament of the Sands has been adjourned to a date to be set, pending further research into a suitable venue.  Originally this was to be a beach setting with a Pot Luck Sunset feast on the beach to follow the Grand Sand Fortress Building Competition and beach tourney.  We are still having trouble finding an appropriate site.  All submissions greatfully accepted. More details to follow as they come to hand...
(well, carrier pidgeons can't be hurried you know!)

If you just CAN'T wait for details, send a carrier pidgeon of your own to our valient Captain (via the Scribes Corner)


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Upcoming events: Das Boat Tourney 2 & The Tournament of the Sands...