The Flying Ypotryll at war

The brave and galliant crew... plus their water wench :)

Conan, our fearsome tactician, returns from battle..

Senena, with trembling knees, takes on King Connor in the first round of her first ever Fighter Auction Tournament, Rowany Festival 2000

"Ekky tump" :)
The crew's first outing (plus some of our wonderful Auxiliaries)

The Capt'n and Conan take the field in the Rene of Anjou, Rowany Festival 2000

Ute rests from battle... we hope :)
Either that or Conan has her under the thum.. err foot...

Home | What is the Flying Ypotryll | Capt'n Hanbal | The Crew | The Flying Ypotryll at war..
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Upcoming events: Das Boat Tourney 2 & The Tournament of the Sands...